Extended Federal Eviction Ban Could Cost Missoula Landlords
President Joe Biden has announced a proposal to extend the federal eviction moratorium created by the Trump administration up to September 30, 2021.
The current consequences of a violation include a first offense of a federal misdemeanor, a $100,000 fine, and up to a year in jail. It’s no longer simply a dispute with a resident in your rental, it is now a crime. Additionally, your resident can sue for restitution, attorney fees, etc. in civil court.
If you own a rental investment and you are self-managing and leasing, Missoula Property Management strongly encourages you to seek the services of a professional property manager. The laws wrapped around tenant-landlord laws are becoming even more complicated and unfortunately change frequently.
If nothing else, call, email, or send a Facebook message with questions. We will give guidance where possible.
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